Why Bottleless Water Coolers
Bottleless Water Coolers in Orange, CA and Beyond
The Smart Solution
Cool Planet Water bottleless water dispensers provide great-tasting, pure drinking water without waste, emissions, and unnecessary environmental impact. Filtered coolers are a great solution for any business looking for pure, fresh-tasting water or to eliminate office water delivery with a cleaner more cost-effective solution.
Save Money – Tap water costs less than 1 cent per gallon. Bottleless water dispensers tie into the existing water line, purify, and chill the water. So you’re ready to enjoy clean, fresh-tasting water all year long.
Easy To Use – Bottleless Water Coolers operate in exactly the same way as traditional bottled office water dispensers. They dispense great tasting drinking water at the press of a button or a spigot. They just don’t need to have 5-gallon bottles changed on a regular basis.
Unlimited Drinking Water – Bottleless Water Coolers are always full. They provide an unlimited and constant supply of purified drinking water. Hot and cold water dispensers are available so your water can be served chilled, room temperature, or hot.
No Heavy Bottles – Traditional office water dispensers use cumbersome 5-gallon water bottles that weigh 40 lbs as a water reservoir. Those 5-gallon bottles are rarely cleaned before use and the grime and dirt from the surface of the bottle will make its way into the drinking water unless cleaned diligently. A bottleless water dispenser limits employee injury potential by eliminating the need for expensive, cumbersome, and environmentally unfriendly plastic bottles in your workplace.
Clean, Fresh Tasting Water – Cool Planet Water bottleless water coolers are connected to the building’s water system via a thin food-grade polypropylene pipe, and the water is filtered and purified in the cooler. The water is passed through a series of filters that result in clear, pure drinking water without any sediment, chlorine taste or smell.
State of the Art Filtration – Reverse Osmosis water dispensers remove an average of 95% of dissolved contaminants from the water, removing dissolved minerals and contaminants at the molecular level including those that cause scale deposits.